Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Week 7, Creation Evidence: Atomic Particles

It's God that created everything. So, in that thought I would like to present to Facebook the reasons that I believe in God:

1. DNA.
2. The Flood of Noah.
3. Laws of nature.
4. Human characteristics.
5. Population growth.
6. My testimony.
7. Atomic Particles.
8. Scientific discoveries, centuries after exact statements of the facts were made in the Bible.
9. The seriousness, persecution and conviction of Christian belief, unto death and torture.
10. The power of God's name, his son "Jesus" or "Yeshua/Joshua."
11. Light, matter, sound and quantum physics.
12. Ocean Salinity

Now, the reading below will contain an exposition on each of the points listed above. These may, and some must, be lengthy and deeply controversial. It is necessary for the truth to be divulged in full and the nature of God to be briefly or barely captured in a glance.

7 - Atomic Particles
These actually have never been seen. The only way we learn anything about them is by shooting other particles (electrons) into a space with them, and then view the atoms "shadow" in the surface behind it. From what I have read, they are labeled as having a core (protons, neutrons) and an outer, swirling shell containing electrons. Why, scientists cannot explain, do the electrons not fly off into space? What type of force keeps them together? They cannot see well enough to determine, but theorize that it is an imaginary glue coined "Gluons."
The only reason that planets, like subatomic particles, don't fly off into space is because natural laws exist. These point to the fact that a law must have a lawgiver. Basically, the way of nature is for everything to tend toward disorder. See Dr. Chuck Missler's studies for further notes and info.
Everything is made by God, through God (John 1:3).

Week 6, Creation Evidence: My Testimony

It's God that created everything. So, in that thought I would like to present to Facebook the reasons that I believe in God:

1. DNA.
2. The Flood of Noah.
3. Laws of nature.
4. Human characteristics.
5. Population growth.
6. My testimony.
7. Atomic Particles.
8. Scientific discoveries, centuries after exact statements of the facts were made in the Bible.
9. The seriousness, persecution and conviction of Christian belief, unto death and torture.
10. The power of God's name, his son "Jesus" or "Yeshua/Joshua."
11. Light, matter, sound and quantum physics.
12. Ocean Salinity

Now, the reading below will contain an exposition on each of the points listed above. These may, and some must, be lengthy and deeply controversial. It is necessary for the truth to be divulged in full and the nature of God to be briefly or barely captured in a glance.

6 - My Testimony

I was born in Atlanta, Georgia. My life is comprised of many interesting and starkly contrasting stories. I have moved much in my few years, spending some time homeless and some time after that as a trouble-making kid trying desperately to fit in. One weekend in 2007, in Maine, I gave up my life to search for and serve God. He has never failed me.
I believe that I could go on for hours about how he's been in and worked through my life. He has allowed me to find love, share the Gospel, teach the truth, experience accomplishments that I never imagined possible and realize truths that without him would not be understood. The gifts he has given me, with which I eagerly await to use whenever possible, are by grace for His glory. I will use them for this purpose. I thank God for turning a twisted piece of nearly hopeless human being into a bright, hope-filled person with love.

Week 5, Creation Evidence: Population Growth

It's God that created everything. So, in that thought I would like to present to Facebook the reasons that I believe in God:

1. DNA.
2. The Flood of Noah.
3. Laws of nature.
4. Human characteristics.
5. Population growth.
6. My testimony.
7. Atomic Particles.
8. Scientific discoveries, centuries after exact statements of the facts were made in the Bible.
9. The seriousness, persecution and conviction of Christian belief, unto death and torture.
10. The power of God's name, his son "Jesus" or "Yeshua/Joshua."
11. Light, matter, sound and quantum physics.
12. Ocean Salinity

Now, the reading below will contain an exposition on each of the points listed above. These may, and some must, be lengthy and deeply controversial. It is necessary for the truth to be divulged in full and the nature of God to be briefly or barely captured in a glance.

5 - Population growth
After the Flood of Noah, the Earth was repopulated by only eight people. Yes, eight. If humans have been reproducing for the (unscientific) estimation of 2.5 million years, the population should be well over 7 billion. The population of today suggests that Earth has only been populated a few thousand years, not millions. See: "The most Extraordinary Book - The Bible - Kent Hovind - Age of the Earth - Population growth rate" on Youtube for further information. 
Also, the Bible explains that humans congregated at the Tower of Babel. This was a direct violation of God's command to go forth, subdue the earth. All languages read and write from the direction that they are toward the direction of Jerusalem, near the geographic area of Babylon (generally speaking, the Middle East. The cardinal directions on each civilizations maps clearly show that we, as people, split up from the Middle Eastern area and went our different ways just like the Bible said. Google search "Ancient Chinese Language Supports Creation" and Dr. Chuck Missler's teachings for further details.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Week 4, Creation Evidence: Human Characteristics

It's God that created everything. So, in that thought I would like to present to Facebook the reasons that I believe in God:

1. DNA.
2. The Flood of Noah.
3. Laws of nature.
4. Human characteristics.
5. Population growth.
6. My testimony.
7. Atomic Particles.
8. Scientific discoveries, centuries after exact statements of the facts were made in the Bible.
9. The seriousness, persecution and conviction of Christian belief, unto death and torture.
10. The power of God's name, his son "Jesus" or "Yeshua/Joshua."
11. Light, matter, sound and quantum physics.
12. Ocean Salinity

Now, the readings will contain an exposition on each of the points listed above. These may, and some must, be lengthy and deeply controversial. It is necessary for the truth to be divulged in full and the nature of God to be briefly or barely captured in a glance. This weeks topic is Human Characteristics.

4 - Human Characteristics
The need of higher things such as love and faith are meaningless without understanding that their is a God necessary for creating and developing them. As evolution states, only the strong or most adaptable survive. As 50 Cent said, show no love - love will get you killed. Why do humans experience these things that nothing else in nature exhibits? Written language should be common among all humans animals if we've been evolving for millions of years. Why do we have a written language that can convey meanings now and thousands of years later if the time it took to write it could be better spent finding resources or procreating? These shake the foundations of evolutionary thought to the core.
No organ is unnecessary for a healthy human. The coccyx and appendix both serve as an anchor point for extremely necessary muscles and a part of the immune system, respectively.
Finally, even if some NDE (Near Death Experiences)  are untrue, the hyper-reality and common theme among them should illustrate the fact that there is more to this life than we can understand before we leave our bodies. The study of these things could be expounded upon for weeks and even longer.
Why do humans feel, usually, a "gut" wrenching when they do something that the Bible or society tells them is wrong? Is this beneficial for the evolution and advancement of humankind?
Why do we feel conviction after lying, stealing, etc...? These are God's laws, being worked in our hearts by His divine Spirit!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week 3, Creation Evidence: Laws of Nature

It's God that created everything. (John 1:3)
So, in that thought I would like to present to everyone a few reasons why I believe God exists:

1. DNA
2. The Flood of Noah.
3. Laws of nature.
4. Human characteristics.
5. Population growth.
6. My testimony.
7. Atomic Particles.
8. Scientific discoveries, centuries after exact statements of the facts were made in the Bible.
9. The seriousness, persecution and conviction of Christian belief, unto death and torture.
10. The power of God's name, his son "Jesus" or "Yeshua/Joshua."
11. Light, matter, sound and quantum physics.
12. Ocean Salinity
More to come...

Now, the readings will contain an exposition on each of the points listed above. These may, and some must, be lengthy and deeply controversial. It is necessary for the truth to be divulged in full and the nature of God to be briefly or barely captured in a glance. This weeks topic is the Laws of Nature...3 - Laws of Nature

Without a lawgiver, these should not exist. Nothing orderly spontaneously occurs, ever. To accept gravity, thermodynamics or any other law by chance without realizing the only possible source for them is unscientific. Our natural, God-made, world has signs of the Divine everywhere. It is impossible for Evolution to be true when symbiosis exists. Basically, the function of symbiotic relationships is that two (possibly more) organisms depend on one another to exists. Without one, the other would perish. These occur naturally in and out of water, all across the Earth. Now, as these life-forms cannot survive without one another there's absolutely no opportunity for them to evolve unless both came to be at the same time. In the same place. With the all of the exact features they need to live adequately in order to reproduce. It is not correct to say that possibly two distinct (or more in some cases) organisms were around one another long enough that they became symbiotic. No evidence suggests or supports this.

In the big picture, Earth life-forms all depends on each other for a long and healthy life span. This is a necessary thing in order for them to grow and become populated enough not to die out. So, in fact, Earth life-forms existence is carefully interwoven like a fabric. If you see fabric lying around, it is illogical to assume that no person wove, or designed, this fabric. It is exactly the same with the Earth and its inhabitants.

In perspective, the laws of nature define the spontaneous occurrence of matter as impossible (Conservation of Mass) and the randomly beneficial mutational development theory of Darwinian Evolution is, also, an impossibility (Entropy).

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Week 2, Creation Evidence: The Flood of Noah

It's God that created everything. (John 1:3)
So, in that thought I would like to present to everyone a few reasons why I believe God exists:

1. DNA.
2. The Flood of Noah.
3. Laws of nature.
4. Human characteristics.
5. Population growth.
6. My testimony.
7. Atomic Particles.
8. Scientific discoveries, centuries after exact statements of the facts were made in the Bible.
9. The seriousness, persecution and conviction of Christian belief, unto death and torture.
10. The power of God's name, his son "Jesus" or "Yeshua/Joshua."
11. Light, matter, sound and quantum physics.
12. Ocean Salinity
More to come...

Now, the readings above will contain an exposition on each of the points listed above. These may, and some must, be lengthy and deeply controversial. It is necessary for the truth to be divulged in full and the nature of God to be briefly or barely captured in a glance. This weeks topic is the Flood of Noah...

2 - The Flood of Noah

Noah was a man that lived a long time ago, and for many centuries did he live! Noah lived 950 years!
Certain bones of the body do not stop growing throughout the entire adult life. As a result of this, but ultimately Earth's conditions (environmentally) before the Flood, people grew to enormous sizes. In schools, the popular teaching is that we've become bigger and started living longer as the centuries have passed. However, the amount of evidence and historical records not only disrupt this theory, but refute it entirely... Skeletons of humans above 7ft tall have been discovered by the hundreds from around the globe. Because of this, and enormous animal/plant fossils, science demands that the conditions of Earth be far different in the past than they are today. 

The average life span of humans, and their body size, has increased recently compared to centuries ago. This is because of a better diet, awareness of disease prevention methods and so on. In order to grow normally over 7ft tall, and live over 900 years - people need a greatly increased amount of air pressure and oxygen quality. Hyperbaric treatment is one of, if not the most, effective method used in reversing harmful health issues today. During this treatment, a person relaxes inside of a room of some sort that is designed to increase the oxygen level (therefore the blood cells in the body perform better at repairing) and the air pressure (allowing for easier breathing because of the more densely concentrated oxygen molecules).The Flood began by rain falling for forty days, which came as a surprise because rain had never fallen before then. The dew in the morning, and one assumes the natural springs, were enough to provide water for every living thing.

The Bible describes the Flood also beginning by the "...fountains of the deep (sea) breaking open..." The evidence for this is as follows:There are pockets of water below the Earth, known as springs, aquifers, etc... The Earth's crust is cracked all around, along what we call "fault lines."In Genesis, the Bible explains clearly that a firmament (earth, dirt) was between the waters. "...Dividing the waters from the waters..." meaning below and above the Earth was water. If it never rained, and there was rain above the crust of the Earth, we have a great solution to how people/plants/animals lived longer and therefore grew larger. In a world where the water was far above the first layers of atmosphere, the water above the crust, the increased air pressure, higher oxygen level and lack of harmful sun rays would be ideal for life.

Much more could be discussed on the topic of the Flood, for example: over 270 flood legends exist around the world, most describe the exact account from Genesis - eight people on one boat survived a global/catastrophic event.The Earth is covered with forms of rock and sediment [with fossils buried in them, ordered by density and possibly position on earth at the time of the flood (microorganisms, fish, then land mammals and humans and finally birds).] that are best explained by a single worldwide flood.Many areas around the earth contain things that definitively show the effects of this flood like: fossils buried during birth, fish and ocean organisms in mountaintop rocks, and petrified trees both right-side up and up-side down connecting layers of earth rock. Google: "Ancient Chinese Supports Creation" for more or watch Dr. Kent Hovind.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week 1, Creation Evidence: DNA

It's God that created everything. (John 1:3)
So, in that thought I would like to present to everyone a few reasons why I believe God exists:

1. DNA.
2. The Flood of Noah.
3. Laws of nature.
4. Human characteristics.
5. Population growth.
6. My testimony.
7. Atomic Particles.
8. Scientific discoveries, centuries after exact statements of the facts were made in the Bible.
9. The seriousness, persecution and conviction of Christian belief, unto death and torture.
10. The power of God's name, his son "Jesus" or "Yeshua/Joshua."
11. Light, matter, sound and quantum physics.
12. Ocean Salinity
More to come...

Now, the readings above will contain an exposition on each of the points listed above. These may, and some must, be lengthy and deeply controversial. It is necessary for the truth to be divulged in full and the nature of God to be briefly or barely captured in a glance. This weeks topic is DNA...

1 - DNA
This single material is the most complex and intricate known to mankind.
It contains the necessary code for cells to be replicated. Without it functioning, a baby cannot grow properly and without deformity. An adult cannot recover from physical exertion, sickness or wounds. A simplified way to understand what it is: think of how binary code works to display and operate all computerized devices. Binary code is an interchanging system of 1's and 0's that provide the script with which technology functions. Similarly, DNA or "deoxyribonucleic acid" is an interchanging code of four distinct values. A's, G's, T's and C's. This is short for adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Anyway, the Human Genome Project was started with the intention of mapping, or labeling, the entire sequence. They finally gave up and (lied) said that they completed their project. The DNA codes that they did not finish analyzing, they say are "junk." However, when testing this claim, it is disproved. The "junk" actually serves in the capacity of replacement or as a decoy in the event of harm coming upon the prior, tested and labeled, DNA strands. Just as one would not assume a binary code to have occurred spontaneously, it is impossible to claim that DNA has. If you were to write out a single persons DNA in a volume of books, they could fill the Grand Canyon many times over!